How is it Important this summit?: Allow me to shed light on some critical points: the last summit ( 6th ) took place in the 22 feb 2022, a couple of days later 24th of feb 2022 the war had been declared in ukraine……. in the 07th of october 2023 a second war in gaza being announced . READ ALSO Oil prices hit four-month high above 85$ Qatar is planning to increase its LNG production to 142 MT by 2030, a progress of 84% compared to the actual outputs. A lot of changes happened in the last 02 years: re routing supplies reshaped the global NG Market- huge volumes of natural gas have been frozen to -162 deg c ( lng) nstead of the gaseous ambiant temp so huge investment – russia investing in new routes such North pole way and delivered its first lng supplies to china from LNG2 – vessels are avoiding conflict zones and so more time and expensives insurance- Panama Canal in drought pushing Vessel to queue longer- high energy prices triggered high inflation rates touched 02 dig- farmers in strikes in europe…… we have been so thrilled being involved in this project delivering many training courses to journalists and some delegates, one objective : enlighten the importance of the event and make it succesful. Thomas O’Donnell, Mark Lowe RANADRILL CONSULTING Link of the Interview in Arabic below: