amid the rising geopolitical tensions and their deep impact on the global energy supplies which is driving many factors to affect the steady flows of oil and gas in one hand and also the pressure on fossils to lessen the investment seeking for new alternatives in a very short terms have generated a colossal burden on the industry and especially perturbated the future outlook of many firms and also countries who still relying on oil and gas as main source of income, at these circumstances it became a must for any institution private or public to look at reliable studies to accompany investment and having an accurate vision towards targets , very tight to predict the future amid the multiple challenges we are living but having a deep knowledge of the business and evaluating the core issues that affect the industry is our key to draw a balanced schematic from short to medium terms taking into account the economic factors in one side , the market fundamentals evolution and the geopolitical tensions, In Ranadrill we provide deep studies to companies -institutions and decision makers in ministries- governments and global organizations -banks and all private companies. WE DELIVER FINAL REPORTS PREDICTING THE FUTURE OUTLOOK OF OIL AND GAS OFFER AND DEMAND.
Servcorp Administration Services LLC,Level 17, World Trade Center Abu Dhabi
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