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Slider 1 Description Text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem.
Slider 2 Description Text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem.
Slider 3 Description Text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima incidunt voluptates nemo, dolor optio quia architecto quis delectus perspiciatisperspiciatis. Nobis atque id hic neque possimus voluptatum voluptatibus tenetur, perspiciatis consequuntur.. Nobis atque id hic neque possimus voluptatum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima incidunt voluptates nemo, dolor optio quia architecto quis delectus perspiciatis. Nobis atque id hic neque possimus voluptatum voluptatibus tenetur, perspiciatis consequuntur.. Nobis atque id hic neque possimus voluptatum voluptatibus tenetur, perspiciatis consequuntur.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, eget commodo augue porta ut. Maecenas lobortis ligula vel tellus sagittis ullamcorperv vestibulum pellentesque cursutu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, eget commodo augue porta ut. Maecenas lobortis ligula vel tellus sagittis ullamcorperv vestibulum pellentesque cursutu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, eget commodo augue porta ut. Maecenas lobortis ligula vel tellus sagittis ullamcorperv vestibulum pellentesque cursutu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, eget commodo augue porta ut. Maecenas lobortis ligula vel tellus sagittis ullamcorperv vestibulum pellentesque cursutu.
One of the big challenges we are facing today is the climate changes and how can deploy all available mechanism to reduce the carbon footprint, the Standford university published an article where some recent researches showed that in 2023 ; global carbon dioxide reached 40 billion tons from which 37 BT are generated from fossil fuels, based on another report released by the I.E.A 80% of the global energy uses still relying on fossils ; the share of Oil 30%, Coal 27% but Natural gas has the last share of 22% , but this is the point , we are all aware that Natural gas is emitting less than 60% of carbon compared to Coal but even that its ranking the third among fossils , Now its vital for us to understand that deeply , if we want a targeted energy transition its obviously clear that we have to lessen the coal’s share in combustion and natural gas has to occupy better position in the global energy transition , India for example is generating roughly 75 % of electricity from coal, a gradual shift from Coal to Natural gas or directly to renewables will certainly participate the tackle the climate change , fossils still dominating the global energy needs that’s why it will be tough to find a quick alternative in a very short and even medium terms.
In Ranadrill, we strongly belive that fossils are staying with us for longer as their share is so important and making an arbitrary move will impact the global energy supplies, the priority is not to eliminate the existing energies but its to redistribute the positions among the fossils by carbon emissions so we make an energy transition among fossils , the next concern which has to be in parallel which is the decarbonization of the fossils while extracting-processing-transporting and even once burning in the last stage of energy generation.
we keep a close key with our customers sharing our analyses and helping them reshaping their future’s strategy to lessen the carbon footprint but logically as fossils are here but we have to manage to keep producing with very less impact of the ozone layer.
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